Behavior Understood: Applied Behavior Analysis Services, P.C., offers the following services for children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD):

We are proud to be working with BCBA in assisting individuals in acquiring language through the use of ASL.

Lime Interpreting offers an opportunity for nonverbal children diagnosed with developmental disabilities and autism, to find their voice and reduce behavior.  Our successful technique is coupled with the support of a Board Certified and NYS Licensed Behavior Analyst: Christopher A. Garofalo, MA, BCBA, LBA.  This approach is effective with nonverbal children with developmental disabilities such as, Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, trauma, brain disorders or speech disorders, and learning delayed.

Christopher Garofalo is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Licensed/Registered Behavior Analyst with over 26 years of clinical experience. Mr. Garofalo has dedicated his professional career to helping children and adults with developmental disabilities and autism as well as individuals diagnosed with anxiety, depression, OCD, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder. In addition, Mr. Garofalo serves as an Adjunct Professor and Clinical Supervisor at two of New York's prestigious Universities.

Working with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) allows us to conduct descriptive and systematic behavioral assessments, including functional analyses, and provide behavior analytic interpretations. The BCBA designs and supervises behavior analytic interventions and is able to effectively develop and implement appropriate assessment and intervention methods for use in assisting the client in the acquisition of language. The BCBA works hand in hand with our team providing instruction on how to carry out ethical and effective behavior analytic interventions based on published research, designs and delivers instruction in behavior analysis.

Lime Interpreting uses sign language as means for augmenting communication.

For those who are nonverbal sign language is the bridge in the communication gap, allowing a way to express needs, wants, and important information such as pain or discomfort.  This reduces frustration, decreasing disruptive, and unwanted behavior and improving the quality of life.

Sign language as an alternative communication form often raises fears that it will hinder or halt verbal language and cause a child’s verbal expression never to develop. Research within the field of speech and language pathology, as well as alternative and augmentative communication, has conclusively proven that to be false.

All behavior is a form of communication. It is said that weather a behavior is desirable or undesirable it has communicative intent. It is often observed that people will exhibit unwanted behavior to communicate their needs, wants, and desires. In addition to gaining attention, it is to ultimately communicate. It is the role of the BCBA along with family and various professionals to develop more appropriate and alternative methods in which to communicate.  We have found that paring applied behavior analytic principles and technique with sign language is an effective and efficient tool for teaching individuals to communicate.

For further information or to schedule an assessment contact Board Certified and NYS Licensed Behavior Analyst: Christopher A. Garofalo, MA, BCBA, LBA
at [email protected] or

visit: to learn more.

Thank you!